Construction & Builder

Lets clyk together in partnership


The Challenge 

The construction firm had grown in size & had a severely limited IT system. They had no IT infrastructure, no IT network & all their data was only on PC’s – no server or cloud storage.

The business owners realised that they needed to bring a professional IT company on board to rectify this & build a platform for growth.

Due to the line of work they do irregular hours & worked from multiple sites therefore needing access to their data from anywhere including multiple mobile devices.

The Solution

We analysed how the construction company works & which solution would best fit their needs.

It was identified that a number of PC’s had to be replaced due to them running on very old hardware & software.

We established that Google G Suite & a raft of new super fast PC’s was the solution.

The Impact & ROI

All their hardware was upgraded, replacing the old, slow & inefficient hardware that they had been putting up with for years. They now have modern PC’s running on the latest version of Windows.

A new broadband connection was provisioned & a fast Gigabit network was created to support the increase in data within the business & to ensure that there would be no reduction in productivity.

Google G Suite enabled them to work from anywhere, the whole team could access & share the data that they needed too.

Our clients growth has been accelerated due to the efficiency of their cloud data storage & being able to work from anywhere.

All their data is now no longer stored across various old PC’s & is now all centralised in the cloud, where it is backed-up & protected.

Future Plans Moving Forward

We continue to have a close working relationship, managing all of their IT infrastructure & buildings IT.

We manage all of there IT security, reporting on the devices each month with our multi layer endpoint protection software.

About Us

We give businesses the peace of mind in knowing that there IT won’t get in the way of their business.

Our project work varies from Email Migrations, Cloud setups, NAS / Server installs, Website development projects & more.

For our managed clients we act as their very own IT department, looking after every aspect of their businesses IT.

Our Services


  • I.T. Support
  • I.T. Security
  • Office 365 & Google G Suite
  • Data Backup
  • Web Development  & Web Hosting
  • Apple Services
  • Networking
  • Software Implementation

Time is precious, don’t waste yours on I.T. issues when your time is better spent on your business.

We run your I.T. You run your business.

Contact us today – Your business is our priority.